Northern Ireland

Lurgan murder victim Shane Whitla may have been killed over drug debt

MURDERED: Shane Whitla (39) was shot dead in Lurgan last Thursday night
MURDERED: Shane Whitla (39) was shot dead in Lurgan last Thursday night

Lurgan murder victim Shane Whitla may have been killed over a drug debt.

The father-of-four's body was found at Lord Lurgan Park last Thursday evening.

Police said the 39-year-old was shot a number of times, including once in the back.

A post mortem examination established that he had died as a result of a "bullet wound to the chest".

Read more: Shane Whitla shot in alley near Lurgan home and made his way to park where he collapsed and died, police confirm

It is believed his murder is being linked to a drug debt and a notorious narco gang in north Armagh known as The Firm.

A 29-year-old man arrested in Lurgan was later released on bail to allow for further enquiries.

Police had earlier been granted extra time to question the suspect.

During a court hearing linked to the 29-year-old it was revealed that the victim was found lying in Lord Lurgan Park on Thursday night.

In cross examination, the suspect's solicitor Peter Corrigan, of Phoenix Law, said there was neither a forensic link nor witness evidence to connect his client to the killing.

It emerged yesterday that a 25-year-old man and a 41-year-old man have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Both remained in custody last night.

Mr Whitla's murder was the second in Lurgan in less than a month.

Natalie McNally, who was 15 weeks pregnant, was stabbed in her home in Silverwood Green on December 18.

Sinn Féin MLA John O'Dowd is set to meet police with colleagues today to discuss the recent murders.

Mr O'Dowd said the "murders have sent shock waves through the local community".

“It is vitally important that if you have any piece of information relating to either of these cases, no matter how small, you should come forward," he said.

“The more information the police receive, the sooner the killers will be put behind bars."

Meanwhile, the Police Ombudsman has said it was notified by the PSNI after a 50-year-old man was tasered in Lurgan on Monday.

He was later arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm or ammunition in the Princes Street area of the town.

Police say a Conducted Energy Device was deployed during the incident.

The Police Ombudsman said: "We were notified by police about the use of a Taser during an incident at Princes Street in Lurgan.

"As is standard practice, our investigators are now reviewing evidence about the circumstances to determine whether any aspects of the police operation might require formal investigation."