Northern Ireland

Shane Whitla shot in alley near Lurgan home and made his way to park where he collapsed and died, police confirm

Shane Whitla was shot in an alley near his Lurgan home and made his way to Lord Lurgan Park where he collapsed and died, police have revealed.

The 39-year-old was shot several times in the alley off Woodville Street and police have released CCTV footage of the victim and his killers.

Detectives also revealed on Tuesday evening that they have carried out a search of a house in the Lurgan area and arrested a 41-year-old man.

The suspect has been taken to Antrim serious crime suite for questioning.

This follows the arrest of a 25-year-old man earlier in the day.

The father of four had been shot in the back in the January 12 attack and police believe the gunmen were waiting on him in the alley.

PSNI Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell said after the "cowardly and despicable attack" the gunmen ran back through the alleyway on Woodville Street and turned right and then left onto Victoria Street.

“Our CCTV footage shows Shane leaving his house on Victoria Street and walking into Woodville Street where he walks into an entry. I believe the two gunmen were waiting for Shane and the CCTV shows these two people walk from Victoria Gardens and turn left onto Victoria Street then into Woodville Street and into the entry seconds later after Shane," the senior officer said.

“Following the shooting, the gunmen can be seen running back out of the alleyway on Woodville Street onto Victoria Street, they then cross the road and go into Victoria Gardens."

Police were alerted at around 8.15pm to Mr Whitla's presence in the park.

“Shane had been shot a number of times, including once in the back. After being shot, he made his way to the park, where he subsequently collapsed and died," DCI Caldwell said.

“I’m asking you to take a good look at this footage.  Do you recognise either of these men? I am reiterating our appeal for anyone with information to come forward. Please contact us on 101."

There is also a £20,000 reward from Crimestoppers. It can be contacted on freephone 0800 555 111 or online at There is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and computer IP addresses are never traced.

Information, including photos, CCTV and dash cam footage, can also be provided to police through the Major Incident Public Portal at:

Shane Whitla (39) was shot dead in Lurgan. Picture from the PSNI
Shane Whitla (39) was shot dead in Lurgan. Picture from the PSNI