
Relatives of loyalist murder victim Seamus Ludlow meet Garda Commissioner Drew Harris

Seamus Ludlow (47) was shot dead as he came home from a pub in Dundalk in 1976.
Seamus Ludlow (47) was shot dead as he came home from a pub in Dundalk in 1976.

RELATIVES of loyalist murder victim Seamus Ludlow have met Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to appeal for a new investigation into his death.

The 47-year-old forestry worker was killed on his way home from a pub in Co Louth in May 1976.

His family believes he was a victim of a loyalist gang including members of the Ulster Defence Regiment who travelled across the border to carry out the murder.

After yesterday's meeting, the family's solicitor Gavin Booth said Mr Harris had said he would review the situation and meet the family again in the new year to discuss the case and bringing it forward.

Sinn Féin Louth TD Gerry Adams said Mr Harris must assist the family in their quest for justice.

"He should also provide a rationale for the continued failure of the Garda to question four men identified as suspects in 1979," Mr Adams said.

"Commissioner Harris should initiate a fresh inquiry, under a new investigative team, to finally provide this family with the truth into Seamus's killing. I commend the family of Seamus Ludlow for their perseverance and tenacity over two generations.

"It is very unfair that there has not been more support from the government and from state agencies to date and I hope that this family reaches the truth behind this brutal killing."