Northern Ireland

Vision to 'maximise' nursing and midwifery launched at Belfast conference

The north's Chief Nursing Officer, Maria McIlgorm launched a new vision strategy for nursing and midwifery at her first annual conference in Belfast.
The north's Chief Nursing Officer, Maria McIlgorm launched a new vision strategy for nursing and midwifery at her first annual conference in Belfast.

A plan to address "serious challenges" facing nurses and midwives has been outlined by the north's chief nursing officer.

Maria McIlgorm said a new strategy based on 2020's Nursing and Midwifery Task Group report prioritises post-registration training and the development of a Quality Assurance Framework for both fields.

She laid out the plans at her inaugural Chief Nursing Officer NI Conference at Belfast's La Mon Hotel.

“Our vision is to maximise the potential of the nursing and midwifery workforce, including our healthcare support workers, in a safe, inclusive, and healthful culture while recognising the value of equality and diversity within the workforce,” she said.

The vision strategy also identifies "workforce and workload planning" as a key priority.

“It is important that we will continue to work together to provide the resources and conditions to ensure that everyone involved in providing nursing and midwifery care can confidently and safely provide high quality evidence-based care," Ms McIlgorm added.