LOCAL organisations are being encouraged to take part in an annual celebration that shines a light on peace building and cultural diversity in Northern Ireland.
The Community Relations Council is urging groups and organisations to get involved in this year's Good Relations Week 2022.
The theme is 'Change Starts With Us' with a week-long programme of events that will focus on the UN’s sustainable development goals to highlight the political, social, economic, and environmental challenges we face.
It will also demonstrate how good community relationships are fundamental to enabling us to work together to promote inclusive and sustainable growth.
Up to 300 events will take place from September 19 to 25, including workshops, lectures, panel discussions, feature talks, podcasts, film, music and dance performances as well as storytelling and exhibitions.
Local community groups, voluntary organisations, representative groups, statutory bodies, businesses and local councils are being encouraged to get involved.
The annual celebration of peace building and cultural diversity work showcases the outstanding good relations efforts of local communities in delivering peace and prosperity to the region.
It also addresses local challenges and concerns - from sectarianism and racism to shared spaces, peace-building and cultural diversity.
This year’s programme of events will also shine a light on good relations activities that address UN sustainable development issues such as gender inequality, climate change and the environment, improving individual health and well-being, eradicating poverty and hunger and removing barriers to improved education.
Martin McDonald, chair of the Community Relations Council, last night called on local communities to "work together to achieve a better and more sustainable future for us all".
"The theme will showcase the imagination, enthusiasm, and commitment of local groups and organisations in their efforts on a day-to-day basis to work towards a better and more sustainable future for everyone and hopefully inspire others to make a lasting difference, big or small, in their communities," he said.
"We want this year’s celebration of peace building and cultural diversity work to shine a light on the importance of recognising that meaningful and lasting change in our everyday lives starts with us and those around us.
"Change starts with us continuing to tackle important issues such sectarianism, racism, and other forms of identity hatred and inequality, and our efforts towards breaking down barriers to unite communities around us.
"It will also focus attention on important issues and challenges we are facing today, including mental health, education, the pandemic, food poverty, and the environment."
For further information, please visit www.goodrelationsweek.com