A SERIES of events to celebrate peace building and cultural diversity will this year feature both face-to-face and virtual content.
The theme for Good Relations Week 2021 is `brighter days ahead'.
Running from September 20-26, it is the largest showcase of cross-community and multi-cultural arts, history, music and discussion in Ireland.
It will explore how society can better meet the needs of young people and some of the difficult issues affecting them, including mental health, isolation, education, and abuse motived by sectarianism, racism, and other forms of identity hatred.
The programme will include workshops, lectures, discussion panels and music and theatre performance.
Martin McDonald, chairman of the Community Relations Council, said Good Relations Week 2021 "is putting a strong emphasis on our young people by showcasing the range of projects and initiatives they are involved in on a day-to-day basis to tackle sectarianism and racism and promoting cultural diversity in their local communities - all aimed at building brighter days ahead for everyone".
"Good Relations Week 2021 will embrace the re-introduction of face-to-face events - all delivered in a way that is safe and guided by the most up to date health advice," he added.
Further information is available at www.goodrelationsweek.com.