
Implications of Brexit on peace process are 'likely to prove far-reaching'

CRC chairman Peter Osborne
CRC chairman Peter Osborne

THE implications of the impact of Brexit on the peace process are "likely to prove far-reaching", according to a new report.

The latest Peace Monitoring Report, written by a team of academics based at Ulster University and published by the Community Relations Council, highlights "critical peace process issues at a key time for the north".

The authors say "it is clear that the UK's decision to leave the EU will have significant and far-reaching implications for Ireland, north and south".

They address the continuing impact of the absence of a Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly and lack of progress in social justice and social policy areas.

They also note that inter-governmental relations are weakening, a 'culture war' continues, and 20 years on from the Good Friday Agreement "Northern Ireland appears no closer to finding an acceptable way of dealing with the past".

Professor Gillian Robinson of Ulster University said it is hoped the fifth Peace Monitoring Report, informed by an advisory group of experts and funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, "will be used as a tool for thinking through the complex challenges ahead".

Peter Osborne, chair of the Community Relations Council, said: "We must understand there is no inevitable forward flow to our peace process.

"It needs constant work and complacency is its worst enemy during this period of uncertainty.

"It is an important time for Northern Ireland and we hope this report will feed in constructively and positively to the critical thinking needed about the way forward."