
Bloody death-toll followed in the wake of Shankill bomb

The scene at the Rising Sun bar Greysteel on the morning after seven people were shot dead in 1993
The scene at the Rising Sun bar Greysteel on the morning after seven people were shot dead in 1993

In the days after the Shankill bomb Northern Ireland was plunged into sectarian conflict, with a number of revenge attacks carried out by loyalist paramilitaries.

Nine civilians along with IRA bomber Thomas Begley lost their life in the blast at Frizzell's fish shop on October 23, 1993.

Along with the shop owner John Frizzell and his daughter Sharon McBride, married couple George and Gillian Williamson died as did Michael Morrison, his partner Evelyn Baird and their 7-year-old daughter Michelle, a second child Leanne Murray (13) also died.

Mother-of-two Wilma McKee survived the bomb but died the following day in hospital.

Within 12 hours of the bombing, Catholic Martin Moran (22) was shot twice in the head as he delivered a Chinese take away to an address close to the loyalist Donegall Pass.

Seven people died in the UFF attack on the Rising Sun bar in Greysteel on October 30, 1993.
Seven people died in the UFF attack on the Rising Sun bar in Greysteel on October 30, 1993.

Two days after the bombing pensioner Sean Fox (72) was shot dead after members of the UVF entered his Glengormley home.

James Cameron (54) and Mark Rodgers (28) were killed when two UFF gunmen sprayed a council cleansing depot in west Belfast with automatic gunfire. Five other people were injured in the attack on the Kennedy Way depot on October 26.

Brothers Rory (18) and Gerard Cairns (22) were shot dead on October 29, when two UVF men entered their home in Bleary Co Armagh and shot them dead as they watched TV.

On October 30, seven people lost their lives when the UFF attacked the Rising Sun Bar in Greysteel in retaliation for the Shankill bomb. Karen Thompson (19) from Limavady died along with her boyfriend Stephen Mullen (20) in the gun attack.

Joseph McDermott (60), mother of six Moira Duddy (59) John Moyne (50) and John Burns (54) all died when the bar was sprayed with automatic gunfire from and AK47. Pensioner James Moore (81) was the oldest person to die in the UFF attack.

On November 2, the IRA killed RUC man Brian Woods (30) after he was hit by a sniper while on patrol in Newry.

His death brought to 14, the number of people shot within the nine days of the bombing and to 24 the number of people to have lost their lives in attacks in a period of less than two weeks.