Food & Drink

Craft Beer: Our Brewery coming with a tripel threat

Prime Time of Your Life is an 8 per cent Belgian tripel from Our Brewery
Prime Time of Your Life is an 8 per cent Belgian tripel from Our Brewery

For all that goes on before it, fermentation is the key process in the making of beer. It’s what brings a collection of boiled ingredients and transforms them into the delicious drinking that we all love.

As with many parts of the beer making process, there are many different approaches and methods to fermentation but, as with many things in life, it’s hard to beat a bit spontaneity.

That is certainly the Belgian approach and the technique which has inspired Our Brewery, the beer-making venture set up by the brewing supplies company Ger Er Brewed.

They have showcased the spontaneous fermentation in Prime Time of Your Life, their take on a Belgian tripel.

A tripel is one of those deceptive beers – a classic stong Belgian ale that has the look of a sparkling pilsner. That’s not by accident though.

The makers of the tradition dark and robust Belgian ales struggled to keep up with the popularity of this new, light and bright beer coming out of Bohemia, so they decided to dial down the darkness and make sparkling, clear beer themselves.

And so the tripel was born, however, although it resembled a pilsner in look, it packed a considerably bigger punch.

Our Brewery’s stab at the style clocks in at 8 per cent, which is pretty standard for the style.

It pours the usual clear, light amber colour with a minimal wide head. The yeasty esters come right through on the nose, with a little bit of pear drop and off-banana peeping through on the nose.

On the palate, things get even more complex. There’s sweet, fruitiness to it but also a herby, slightly tea-like vibe, which succeeds in bringing through a slight bitter bite to it.

It’s pretty light on the mouthfeel and the sweet and fruity notes help mask the strength well. That's not to say this isn't a bit of a sipper - it's one to take your time over and like a lot of classic Belgian styles, becomes a bit more complex when not totally chilled. Anywhere from about seven degrees up is probably the ideal temperature for this one.