
Marie Louise McConville: Why does sickness strike at the worst time?

Throwing up in front of a teacher at my childrens' school has left me suffering from excruciating humiliation
Throwing up in front of a teacher at my childrens' school has left me suffering from excruciating humiliation

If you've been worried that you haven't seen me around lately, panic not, I've been keeping a low profile.

It's not that I'm trying to avoid anyone in particular or that life has become all too much. Rather, I am beyond mortified and have been busy keeping my head down.

Let me ask you all this, why do embarrassing things only happen when other people are around?

This week, I have taken to hiding indoors and in the car, slumped down.

I should have known really when the week started with my third sinus infection since December.

Having never suffered with the condition before, I developed one in the run up to Christmas.

Then, after I had Covid in January, I took another and now, I'm suffering with my third.

It's a horrible, disgusting, painful thing and my sympathy is with anyone else who falls victim to this.

I started my third antibiotic on Tuesday morning and with all the chaos of school mornings, I took it while rushing around.

Then, on the drive to school, I suddenly began to feel quite unwell.

It was so bad, I had to pull into a garage to get some water as my stomach felt like it was being torn apart.

I drank some water and ate a dextro - which I keep on me in case my blood sugar falls as I thought it might help - and off we went.

On pulling into a space in the car park, I was completely overcome with nausea and I had no option but to open the car door and throw up on the ground - classy move I hear you say.

And as if that wasn't enough, I had to do it a second time.

Thankfully, it was early so it was pretty quiet until I heard a familiar voice asking me if I was okay.

(Oh dear goodness, please let me be hearing things).

I raised my pale face to see one of the teachers standing there with a concerned look on her face.

To say I was embarrassed is quite the understatement.

I apologised for throwing up, trying to explain amid the nausea that I had taken an antibiotic without eating and she was so nice.

To make matters worse, the dextro I had taken had turned the whole mess a bright, nuclear orange so it was hard to miss when the other parents began arriving.

I used my bottle of water to try to wash it away but it was no good.

It just lay there along with my dignity.

Any further trips to the school this week were very low key as I moved like a ninja to get in and out in record time without seeing that teacher.

I'm sure the rumours are now circulating- is she pregnant?

That's a negative people but I am suffering from a newly diagnosed condition - excruciating humiliation, for which there is no cure.


TV viewing is set to get a lot more colourful this Spring thanks to Nick Grimshaw and Emma Willis.

The former BBC Radio One DJ (37) and the former Big Brother presenter (45) have teamed up to host a new makeover show on Channel 4, which will see family homes transformed in just three days.

The show, which is called `The Great Home Transformation', will see the pair help to transform family homes across the country in just three days using a 'revolutionary truck' and 'specialist technology'.

Sounds like fun.


As the senseless war in Ukraine rages on, it's been uplifting to see the efforts being made to help most affected by the conflict.

With countless lives lost and millions of people having fled their homes, the people of Northern Ireland have been particularly moved, raising £1.4 million in just four days for a humanitarian appeal, as well as donating lorry-loads of much-needed items.

It has also been particularly heart-warming to see celebrities also playing their part.

Among those are Ukrainian-born American actress Mila Kunis, along with her celebrity husband Ashton Kutcher, who have agreed to match up to $3 million in donations toward refugee and humanitarian aid for Ukraine

And they're not the only ones.

Blake Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds have also pledged to match all donations to the UN's Refugee Agency, which will benefit Ukrainians who are fleeing their homes, up to $1,000,000.

And there's also model, Gigi Hadid who has pledged to donate her earnings from the Fall 2022 season to "aid those suffering from the war in Ukraine".

It's nice to see everyone doing their bit because we never know when we might need to rely on the help of others.


The winners of the Death By Appointment competition are Pat Kane, from Newry, Brigeen Logan, from Cushendall, and Colette McKenny, from Omagh