Food & Drink

Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls recipe

These make a lovely change from the usual veggie sausagemeat-filled rolls.

Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls
Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls

A great way to get your kids (or yourself) to eat more plant-based dishes, these savoury rolls are perfect for lunchboxes, picnics, to go with salads, or just as a snack.

If you can’t find vegan feta, just use any vegan cheese.

Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls


(Serves 4-6)

125g walnuts

1tbsp olive oil

1 small leek, cleaned and finely sliced

½ red pepper, deseeded and finely diced

1 garlic clove, peeled and minced or grated

1 sprig of fresh rosemary, finely chopped (or ½tsp dried rosemary)

1tbsp tomato purée

100g vegan feta cheese, broken into small pieces

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 sheet of ready-rolled vegan puff pastry

1tbsp plant milk

2tbsp sesame seeds (optional)

Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls
Walnut, rosemary and feta rolls (Lizzie Mayson/PA)


1. Heat the oven to 200°C fan/425°F/Gas Mark 7.

2. Toast the walnuts by frying them in a dry pan over a medium-high heat, turning them over, until they are golden – for about five minutes. When cool enough to handle, break them into small pieces.

3. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the leek, red pepper and garlic until soft – for about five minutes.

4. Add the walnuts, and stir in the rosemary, tomato purée and feta. Season to taste. Let it cool completely, as it will be easier to shape the rolls and they will hold together better.

5. Cut your pastry sheet into three large rectangles and mould the filling into a sausage shape down the middle of each. Press the filling together as you bring up the sides of the pastry to meet. Press the pastry edges together, then turn each roll over and cut them in half or into smaller pieces if you prefer, pushing any spilled stuffing

back inside.

6. Brush each piece with a little plant milk and sprinkle sesame seeds on top (if using).

7. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and place the rolls on it, with the join facing downwards. Cook for 20–25 minutes, until golden brown.

8. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before eating.

The Official Veganuary Cookbook by Veganuary is published in hardback by Harper Collins, priced £22. Photography by Lizzie Mayson