Food & Drink

Leftover doughnut bread pudding recipe

You’ll never throw old doughnuts away again after trying this delicious dessert.

“I came up with this tasty recipe having taken some doughnuts to share at my brother and his wife’s home, but they didn’t all get eaten, so they insisted I take them home with me. A couple of days later they had gone slightly stale and I didn’t want to throw them away, so I made this – they were perfect for this easy pudding,” says Ian Bursnall, author of new cookbook The Skint Cook.

Bursnall recommends using stale doughnuts for this one, so they soak up the egg mixture properly.

Leftover doughnut bread pudding


(Serves 4)

Knob of butter

220g jam doughnuts (about 3 medium doughnuts)

220g custard doughnuts (about 3 medium doughnuts)

3 medium eggs

200ml milk

30g caster sugar

¼tsp vanilla extract

¼tsp ground nutmeg

¼tsp ground cinnamon

Leftover doughnut bread pudding
Leftover doughnut bread pudding from The Skint Cook (Martin Poole/PA)


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C fan/200°C/gas mark 6.

2. Grease a 20 x 20 x 5 centimetre baking dish with the butter. Cut all the doughnuts into bite-sized pieces and place in the baking dish. Now crack your eggs into a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Pour the egg mixture over the doughnuts and press them down, then leave to soak for 10 minutes.

3. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. I like mine crispy on top and gooey in the middle. If you want the middle to be more cooked, bake for a further five to 10 minutes. When the pudding is done, take it out of the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with ice cream or custard.

The Skint Cook: Over 80 Easy, Tasty Recipes That Won’t Break The Bank by Ian Bursnall

The Skint Cook: Over 80 Easy, Tasty Recipes That Won’t Break The Bank by Ian Bursnall is published by HQ, priced £20. Photography by Martin Poole. Available now.