Food & Drink

Ed Smith’s tray-baked coconut omelette with fragrant salad recipe

Turn eggs into a hearty lunch.

Both the omelette and the side salad are fragrant, aromatic and invigorating, according to cook Ed Smith.

“If you prefer, the vegetables could be roasted and dressed in advance and served somewhere between fridge and room temperature (don’t add the herbs until the last minute, though).”

Tray-baked coconut omelette with fragrant salad


(Serves 6-8)

3 medium aubergines (about 750g), cut into 2-3cm chunks

3 medium sweet potatoes (about 800g), cut into 3cm chunks

4tbsp olive oil

25g coriander, leaves picked

20g dill, picked

12 large eggs

1⁄2tsp ground turmeric

1⁄2tsp flaky sea salt

1tsp finely grated fresh ginger (about 15g)

200ml coconut milk (70-80% coconut solids)

1tbsp short-grain rice

1tbsp caster sugar

2tbsp fish sauce

Juice of 1 lime

25g Thai basil, leaves picked

Coconut or Greek-style yoghurt, to serve

Ed Smith's tray-baked coconut omelette with fragrant salad recipe
Ed Smith’s tray-baked coconut omelette with fragrant salad recipe (Sam A. Harris/PA)


1. Heat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F. Spread the aubergines and sweet potatoes over a baking sheet or roasting tin in which they easily fit in one layer. Drizzle with the olive oil, then shake the tin and roll the vegetables so they’re glossy.

2. Roast on the top shelf of the oven for 50 minutes until both are soft and slightly charred, shuffling the tin once or twice during that time.

3. Once the vegetables are in, very, very finely chop two-thirds of the coriander leaves and one-third of the stems, plus two-thirds of the dill. Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add the turmeric, salt and ginger, then pop the yolks and use a whisk to thoroughly beat them together. Add the coconut milk and chopped herbs and stems, and whisk again until fully combined.

4. Line a low-sided 20 x 26 centimetre baking tray with greaseproof paper and pour in the egg mixture to a depth of one to two centimetres. Slide onto a shelf underneath the roasting vegetables and cook for around 20 minutes until the middle is set. Remove and set to one side to cool for five minutes or so.

4. Meanwhile, toast the rice in a dry pan until lightly coloured, then pound to a coarse powder using a pestle and mortar. Separately, in a large mixing bowl thoroughly combine the sugar, fish sauce, lime juice and one tablespoon of water.

5. Once cooked, tip the roasted vegetables into the bowl. Toss and let the dressing soak in for five minutes before adding the remaining herbs. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle generously with rice powder.

6. Portion the omelette and serve with a pile of the fragrant salad, and big dollops of yoghurt.

Also consider: Serving with flaky, stretchy paratha or roti.

Good Eggs by Ed Smith

Good Eggs by Ed Smith is published in hardback by Quadrille, priced £22. Photography Sam A. Harris. Available now.