Food & Drink

Curried corn and fried eggs on toast recipe

You can whip this easy dish up with ingredients you’ll likely already have on hand.

Curried corn and fried egg on toast from The Skint Cook
Curried corn and fried egg on toast from The Skint Cook Curried corn and fried egg on toast from The Skint Cook

Ian Bursnall developed this recipe when he appeared on The Great Cookbook Challenge with Jamie Oliver.

He says it’s “such an easy and cheap recipe, but it definitely delivers on flavour”.

Curried corn and fried eggs on toast


(Serves 2)

1 x 200g can sweetcorn

1tbsp vegetable oil

2 slices of bread (of your choice)

½ red onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

½ red chilli, finely chopped

½ green chilli, finely chopped

1tbsp medium curry powder

2tbsp unsalted butter

2 eggs

Salt and pepper

1tbsp chopped coriander, to garnish

Curried corn and fried egg on toast from The Skint Cook
Curried corn and fried egg on toast from The Skint Cook (Ian Bursnall/PA)


1. Drain the sweetcorn and tip into a saucepan. Add half a tablespoon of the oil and cook over a medium heat to warm through.

2. Meanwhile, toast your bread.

3. Now add the onion, garlic and chillies to the sweetcorn. Fry for a few minutes, then stir in the curry powder. Cook for a minute, then add the butter and cook for a few more minutes. You can add one tablespoon of water, if you like, depending on how loose you want it to be. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put to one side and keep warm.

4. Put the remaining half a tablespoon of oil into a frying pan and fry the eggs to your liking.

5. Put the toast onto plates, place the fried eggs on top and spoon the sweetcorn mixture all over. Garnish with the chopped coriander. Tuck in.

The Skint Cook: Over 80 Easy, Tasty Recipes That Won’t Break The Bank by Ian Bursnall is published by HQ, priced £20. Photography by Martin Poole. Available now.