
Christmas Reflection: God's presence is near where we find kindness and love

Wherever one finds kindness and love, God's presence and family are very near
Wherever one finds kindness and love, God's presence and family are very near

A bitterly cold New York Christmas Eve is the setting for one of my favourite Christmas stories.

As a woman returned to her car with her final items of shopping, she notices three young boys huddled in a shop entry for shelter; street boys. They seemed cold and distressed.

The motherly instincts in the woman were moved. Having introduced herself she invited them to join her in a restaurant for some hot food.

Then she brought them to a shop and bought them warm clothing. As they were leaving the shop one of the boys approached her and said, "You must be God's mother."

"No," she replied, "I'm just one of God's family."

Born of Mary, Jesus Christ entered the family of humanity so that God would invite us into His family.

Wherever one finds kindness and love, God's presence and family are very near.

Bishop Larry Duffy

Catholic Bishop of Clogher