Michael Gove mobbed by pro-Palestinian protesters

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove was mobbed by protesters in London (James Manning/PA)
Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove was mobbed by protesters in London (James Manning/PA)

Michael Gove was mobbed by pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Victoria station amid a day fraught with tensions over a rally and counter-protests held on Armistice Day.

Footage shared on social media showed the senior Cabinet minister flanked by a large police contingent trying to keep dozens of demonstrators away from him as he passed through the London railway station.

The flag-waving protesters crowding him were heard chanting “shame on you” as officers shouted at them to “get back”.

In another clip, the Levelling Up Secretary was seen walking down a London street as protesters followed him chanting the same slogan.

The scenes prompted other politicians to express solidarity with Mr Gove.

Dame Arlene Foster, former first minister of Northern Ireland, tweeted: “This is so disgraceful.

“Sending solidarity to @michaelgove and all those who seek to go about their private business on a Saturday afternoon but who are intimidated by thugs.”

Mr Gove’s office has been contacted for comment.

Dozens of counter-protesters were arrested as hundreds of thousands of people took part in the central London march – the biggest since the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7.

Some politicians – most notably Mr Gove’s Cabinet colleague Suella Braverman – had put pressure on police not to let the pro-Palestinian march go ahead on the day of remembrance.