Discussions between UK and Ireland over Christmas with Covid restrictions

Within the UK, work is under way to deliver arrangements which can allow families and friends to meet in a “careful and limited way” over Christmas.
Within the UK, work is under way to deliver arrangements which can allow families and friends to meet in a “careful and limited way” over Christmas.

Discussions are being held between the UK and Ireland around arrangements for the Christmas period under coronavirus restrictions.

Within the UK, work is under way to deliver arrangements which can allow families and friends to meet in a “careful and limited way” over Christmas.

However in a statement, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove’s office said it is recognised that people in Northern Ireland will want to see family and friends across the island of Ireland.

“This is the subject of discussions with the Irish Government,” the statement added.

Mr Gove met with leaders of the devolved administrations over the weekend to agree “a shared objective of facilitating some limited additional household bubbling for a small number of days”.

But the public will be “advised to remain cautious” and told that “wherever possible people should avoid travelling and minimise social contact”, a statement from his department said.

The statement concluded: “The UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive hope to conclude this work this week, subject to agreement by each administration.”

First Minister Arlene Foster tweeted about the meeting on Sunday, saying she had “outlined the need for extra flexibility to help those travelling in either direction between Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.