Northern Ireland

Son accused of assaulting his mother on Christmas Day

Police are asking for witnesses or dashcam footage of a collision after a woman involved died
(Niall Carson/PA)

A twenty-eight-year-old man has been accused of launching a brutal attack on his mother on Christmas Day.

Dylan Quigley, of Dove Gardens, Derry, is charged with unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm and attempting to choke with intent to commit an offence, both of which are aggravated by reason of domestic abuse.

He is further charged with using disorderly behaviour and attempting to cause damage at Altnagelvin Hospital.

A detective constable from the PSNI Public Protection Unit told Dungannon Magistrates Court on Wednesday that around 5.30pm on Christmas Day police responded to a report of a domestic violence situation and on arrival spoke to Quigley’s mother.

She said he had dragged her from the house into the street where he “stomped on her several times and jumped on her head.”

Officers noted swelling to her right hand and red finger-marks around her neck where she was allegedly strangled.

She also complained of swelling and bruising to her legs and was taken to hospital where it was discovered two bones had been broken in her right hand.

The defendant was not at the scene when officers arrived, but he was detected in the early hours of St Stephen’s Day having fallen down a flight of stairs.

He was arrested but because of the fall he was taken to hospital as a precaution.

While there he became disorderly and used the handcuffs officers had been required to apply to attempt to damage hospital property.

Following assessment, which found no injuries, he was discharged into police custody and while being taken for interview denied the offences on his mother.

He accepted his behaviour at hospital but claimed he was, “affected by the prescription drugs he takes.”

District Judge Michael Ranaghan noted the complainant has refused to make a statement but the detective stressed her account was recorded on bodyworn video.

Defence solicitor said the defendant claims, “He and his mother had an argument. His mother can become very volatile when she takes alcohol and he is the victim here. He says she attacked him and he did not attack her, nor conduct himself in the way set out by police. This very serious matter will be vehemently disputed. The matters at the hospital will be dealt with in due course.”

Agreeing to release Quigley the judge said, “I think the court can take a chance despite the licence issue which will take its course. The risk is keeping these two apart and that’s what the court has to go by.”

The judge set bail at £300 and ordered residence to be approved by police.

All contact with the alleged victim is banned and Quigley is not to have or consume any non-prescribed drugs.

The case was adjourned until January 11 at Derry Magistrates Court.