
Born Too Soon: Parents prepare for death of baby Joshua in latest series episode

Treasa and Ian with baby Jaxon (Tyrone Productions /PA)
Treasa and Ian with baby Jaxon (Tyrone Productions /PA)

Irish TV series Born Too Soon will continue with an episode that shows a couple preparing for the death of their baby who was born with a life limiting condition.

The documentary follows the lives of the families, babies, and staff operating in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Cork University Maternity Hospital.

In the latest episode, Treasa and Ian, who were seen navigating a difficult twin pregnancy in episode two, will have to come to terms with the death of their son Joshua.

At their 12 week scan, Joshua was diagnosed with anencephaly, which is a condition where the skull does not form properly.

Babies born with anencephaly do not often reach full term or survive for any length of time outside of the womb, but Joshua survived for two days after his birth.

His twin brother Jaxon was born healthy and did not need to spend anytime in the NICU.

Also in episode three, a very sick baby called Daisy, who was born with severe breathing issues, will be admitted to the unit for emergency lifesaving treatment and close monitoring.

Meanwhile, baby Diane, who, in episode two, had developed an eye condition that could have led to blindness if untreated, will turn a corner and have her very first bath.

Virgin Media Television’s brand-new series ‘Born Too Soon’
Born Too Soon gives access to Cork University Maternity Hospital’s busy newborn intensive care unit (Tyrone Productions /PA)

Also in the episode, baby Meabh will be transferred to be closer to her parents, Trina and Karen.

On September 11, Virgin Media TV uploaded a video of Born Too Soon to its social media page, which included a clip of mother Kinga who was seen getting to hold her newborn triplets in episode two.

The emotive series shines a light on premature babies and the host of hospital staff members who help to look after them.

Episode three of Born Too Soon will air this Tuesday at 9pm on Virgin Media One and Virgin Media Player and the last episode of the four-part series will air September 26.