
CSO: 183,500 people on Live Register in July

The figures were published by the Central Statistics Office (PA)
The figures were published by the Central Statistics Office (PA)

There were 183,500 people on the seasonally adjusted Live Register for July 2023, up by 200 people or 0.1% on the previous month.

The seasonally adjusted figures take into account regular increases or decreases in the Live Register that take place at certain times of the year.

These include an increase at the start of the summer and a decrease during the autumn.

According to the figures published by the Central Statistics Office, there were 195,095 people on the unadjusted Live Register in July, with 50.6% of them male and 70.8% of them Irish.

Eleven per cent of all claimants on the Live Register in July, or 21,296 people, were under the age of 25.

The Live Register counts people claiming Jobseeker’s Benefit and applicants for Jobseeker’s Allowance, as well as applicants for credited social welfare contributions.

It includes part-time, seasonal and casual workers, and is not designed to measure unemployment.

Statistician in the labour market analysis section Conor Delves said: “There were 23,277 people benefiting from the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive included in the Live Register figures for July 2023, an increase of 284 from June 2023.”

Two-thirds of those benefiting from the EU directive in July 2023 were female (15,239), and just over 90% (21,003) of all recipients were over 25 years old.

“The counties that saw the largest percentage increase in the number of people on the Live Register in the 12 months to July 2023 were Kerry (10.8%), Sligo (10.7%) and Leitrim (10.6%).

“The number of persons on the Live Register for one year or more in July 2023 was 68,133, down 799 (-1.2%) from a year earlier.

“There were 126,962 persons (65.1%) on the Live Register for less than one year,” the statistician added.