
Donegal woman (24) fined for under-feeding her dog

Titch the Rottweiler was found seriously underweight
Titch the Rottweiler was found seriously underweight

A 24-year-old woman has been fined and ordered to pay costs after she was convicted of under-feeding her Rottweiler.

Justine Duffy, of Oakland Heights, Drumkeen, Donegal, was fined €100 and ordered to pay €725.08 to the ISPCA to cover veterinary costs after Titch the female Rottweiler was found in an emaciated state on the woman's property.

Following a call to the ISPCA’s National Animal Cruelty Helpline, an inspector with the charity visited Ms Duffy's home several times, Letterkenny District Court was told on Tuesday.

He was finally able to see Titch on May 11 2017. He found she was seriously under-weight with protruding ribs, hips and backbone.

Ms Duffy agreed to surrender Titch to the charity.

Senior Inspector Kevin McGinley told Judge Paul Kelly that Titch weighed just over 20kg. During the 20 weeks she was in the care of the ISPCA, she gained 12kg - more than half of her initial weight.

Titch the Rottweiler after she was found in May 2017
Titch the Rottweiler after she was found in May 2017

Inspector McGinley said: "When I saw the dog on this property, I was instantly concerned for her welfare upon observing how thin she was".

"Pet owners have an obligation to provide sufficient food for their animals, and an obligation to proactively seek advice from a vet if their animal isn’t eating," he said.

"It was shocking to see someone let their dog get to this state."

Titch has now made a full recovery and has been rehomed in Co Kildare.