
Video: Arlene Foster defends same-sex marriage stance

 Arlene Foster and Owen Jones. Picture from The Guardian on Twitter
 Arlene Foster and Owen Jones. Picture from The Guardian on Twitter

DUP leader Arlene Foster has defended her stance on marriage equality by saying that politicians must have principles and be allowed to express them.

The former first minister was asked by Guardian columnist Owen Jones about her opposition to same sex marriage while attending the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham.

Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK and Ireland where same-sex marriage is not legal.

A majority of assembly members have voted in favour of changing the law, but the DUP has blocked reform by deploying a petition of concern.

"I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman," Mrs Foster told Mr Jones.

Read more:

  • 412 same-sex couples have married since Republic's marriage referendum
  • Karen Bradley: Same-sex marriage could be introduced through Westminster

Asked whether she should be the leader who "confronts her party" and tells them "let gay people have the right to get married and share their love just as I do".

Ms Foster replied: "As a politician you have to have principles and if you believe in something I think you should be allowed to articulate that... If you have a belief, I think you should be allowed to have a belief. Otherwise we would live in a very intolerant world, wouldn't we?"