Northern Ireland

Man arrested over claim of responsibility in shooting of PSNI detective

Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell was shot a number of times in February (Brian Lawless/PA)
Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell was shot a number of times in February (Brian Lawless/PA)

Detectives investigating the attempted murder of Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell in Northern Ireland have arrested a man in connection with the claim of responsibility made following the attack.

The 23-year-old was arrested in Derry under the Terrorism Act and has been taken to Musgrave serious crime suite in Belfast for questioning.

Mr Caldwell was shot a number of times in front of his son at a sports complex in Omagh, Co Tyrone, in February.

The detective, who had investigated a number of high-profile murder cases, spent several weeks in intensive care following the attack.

A typed message, purportedly from the New IRA, was posted on a wall in Derry and said the group was responsible for the shooting.

Police have said the New IRA is the main line of inquiry in the investigation.

A number of people have previously appeared in court charged in connection with his attempted murder and on charges around the claim of responsibility.