Northern Ireland

Arlene Foster says Together UK to launch in London in November

Arlene Foster said up to 100 'people of influence' would join a launch event for Together UK in London. Picture by Liam McBurney/PA Wire
Arlene Foster said up to 100 'people of influence' would join a launch event for Together UK in London. Picture by Liam McBurney/PA Wire

ARLENE Foster has outlined plans for a new group that aims to campaign to maintain the union.

The former first minister-turned-GB News presenter said up to 100 “people of influence” would join a launch event for Together UK in London on November 23.

The group held an event in Belfast at the start of this month, where the former DUP leader told the audience the aim was to “make a positive, logical and rational case for union across the UK".

“The idea behind Together UK is to have a UK-wide organisation, not just dealing with republicans in Northern Ireland but also in Scotland as well," she told the News Letter this week.

Dame Arlene, who was ousted as DUP leader in a coup last year, said she was aware that unionists "get very depressed" by coverage of the bid to attain Irish unity.

“We’ll be working with the government at Westminster, and indeed with the Labour Party because there are some people in the Labour Party who are pro-keeping the union together,” she said.

She said that economically a united Ireland would be a “nightmare” and she acknowledged that “it’s not as sexy to talk about the status quo as it is for republicans to talk about change”.

“People understand they have got benefits within the union, and what we need to do is really enforce that and underline that,” she said.