Northern Ireland

Crowds gather across Ireland to remember two men killed in Sligo

The crowd at last night's Belfast vigil for Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee. Picture by Carl Brennan/PA Wire
The crowd at last night's Belfast vigil for Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee. Picture by Carl Brennan/PA Wire

A LARGE crowd last night held a minute's applause at a vigil in memory of two murdered men.

People gathered in towns and cities across Ireland in memory of Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee, the two men killed in Sligo.

The largest events were in the men's hometown, and in Dublin and Belfast. A vigil was also organised for Guildhall Square in Derry.

Belfast City Hall was lit up in rainbow colours on Friday.

Those gathered held a minute of noise to symbolise a need for the voices of people in the LGBT community to be heard.

More than 30 events were organised on both sides of the border. Many were organised by local LGBT groups.

In Sligo, pictures of Mr Snee and Mr Moffitt were displayed at the doors of the town hall, where speakers addressed the crowd.

In Dublin, large crowds gathered outside Dáil Éireann, where a choir sang as scores of rainbow flags were held aloft.