Northern Ireland

DUP councillor Wesley Irvine resigns from party to support independent MLA in Stormont election

Bangor councillor Wesley Irvine has resigned from the DUP
Bangor councillor Wesley Irvine has resigned from the DUP

A DUP councillor has resigned from the party and voiced support for independent MLA Alex Easton as he seeks to be re-elected in North Down.

Wesley Irvine, who works in the former DUP MLA's office, said he could not agree to the party's request for him not to canvass on Mr Easton's behalf ahead of the May 5 assembly poll.

The North Down MLA, who topped the poll in the 2017 Stormont election, resigned from the DUP in July last year.

Mr Irvine (43) said there were divisions within the DUP and that Sir Jeffrey Donaldson had been slow to react to the protocol.

He urged unionists to co-operate to prevent Michelle O’Neill becoming first minister.

“I would like to see the DUP, TUV and UUP all working together at Stormont to stop a Sinn Féin first minister," he told the Belfast Telegraph.

"Unionist unity is the only way forward."