Northern Ireland

Limavady DUP councillor James McCorkell quits the party claiming it has 'lost its soul'

Limavady councillor James McCorkell has quit the DUP
Limavady councillor James McCorkell has quit the DUP

A DUP councillor in Co Derry has quit the party claiming it has "lost its soul".

James McCorkell, who sits on the Causeway Coast and Glens council, is to remain on council as an independent.

The recent difficulties in the DUP are understood to have led to the Limavady councillor's decision to resign. It also comes days after Sir Jeffrey Donaldson was formally elected leader following weeks of turmoil within the party.

Arlene Foster quit the DUP at the end of April following a party revolt, while her successor Edwin Poots, remained in post for just three weeks.

Read More: Fionnuala O Connor: Time to get some perspective on DUP disarray (premium)

Sir Jeffrey, the MP for Lagan Valley, was the only candidate for the DUP leader role last week, but his leadership will have to be ratified by the party Executive.

Mr McCorkell, who has held the seat on the council for the past decade, told the Northern Constitution newspaper that he believed the DUP had "lost its soul".

"It has failed unionism and indeed all the people of Northern Ireland and is beyond repair in its current format," he said.

He also said he had been left "bewildered" by the leadership turmoil adding that "my own conscience will not allow me to continue as it is".

In a statement, the DUP said: "We are sorry to see James resign.

"In correspondence with the party following his resignation, councillor McCorkell made clear that he wishes Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP and Gregory Campbell MP (East Derry) well for the future.

"We look forward to working with him in the future which he has indicated he wishes to do."