Northern Ireland

Belfast girl (12) with dwarfism teams up with London fashion designers to create clothing collection

Cara Mailey teamed up with two fashion designers to create the UK’s first bespoke clothing collection for children with achondroplasia
Cara Mailey teamed up with two fashion designers to create the UK’s first bespoke clothing collection for children with achondroplasia

A BELFAST schoolgirl with dwarfism has teamed up with two fashion designers to create the UK’s first bespoke clothing collection for children with achondroplasia.

A television documentary followed Cara Mailey (12) as she embarked on the clothing collaboration, which she hopes will "send a positive message to the fashion world about the importance of inclusivity and diversity".

A Year 8 pupil at Assumption Grammar in Ballynahinch, Cara loves fashion, but at 3ft 5in tall, her height-restricting condition achondroplasia means she cannot find clothes to fit her size and shape.

But the schoolgirl, whose mother Tricia and younger brother Noah also have the condition, jumped at the chance to take part in a documentary to help children like her who love the latest styles, but feel let down by the fashion industry.

My Life: Made to Measure, which will be broadcast next week on CBBC, sees Cara join forces with London-based fashion designers Amanda Rabor and Tara TJ Hanif to tackle the challenges faced by children with dwarfism.

They share Cara’s belief that clothing needs to be more inclusive and wanted to help her fulfil her fashion dreams, which led the trio to teaming up to design a unique clothing collection.

Cara, who will be familiar to CBBC viewers from her appearances in The Dengineers and Craft Party, said she is proud to be little, but feels strongly that the fashion industry needs to include all sorts of children in their design portfolio.

"People with dwarfism love clothes as much as anyone else and I think it’s really unfair that there’s nothing out there for us," she said.

"I was so happy to get the chance to try and change that."

Filmed over several months, the programme follows Cara and the designers as they work together to create a capsule collection - Amanda and TJ as the design experts and Cara sharing her experience and knowledge of what children with dwarfism want to wear.

Cara also named the creative collaboration after her favourite slogan, 'She’s Fierce - by Cara'.

The documentary, produced by Tyrone Productions, also follows the schoolgirl as she models the bespoke clothing collection after it is completed.

Cara’s made-to-measure design dreams are boosted further when she got the opportunity to star in a photo shoot with fashion photographer Khara Pringle and make-up artist Paddy McGurgan.

Ms Rabor, founder of Mini Mode and Global Kids Fashion Week, said she was delighted to team up with the Belfast fashion fan.

"Working with Cara has been very inspiring," she said.

"As designers we know that our job is to be inclusive and push the envelope so that everyone can be represented.

"Cara gave us the reason and she’s only 12."

My Life: Made to Measure is on CBBC on Friday February 19 at 7.15pm.