Northern Ireland

Finucane supports family of Noah Donohoe

Noah Donohoe was a year 10 pupil at St Malachy's College in Belfast
Noah Donohoe was a year 10 pupil at St Malachy's College in Belfast

MP for North Belfast, John Finucane has said that police "need to be accurate in the information" they provide to the family of Noah Donohoe adding that he fully supports the schoolboy's mother Fiona.

Mr Finucane was speaking after the Irish News revealed that the 14-year-old, who went missing on June 21, had died by drowning.

Noah not not suffered a head injury, despite a theory put forward by police that he may have suffered concussion after a fall, causing him to remove his clothing.

Noah’s body was found in a storm drain six days after he disappeared.

The family were told by police this week that a leaflet drop had taken place in the area Noah was last seen to appeal for information.

The Irish News asked the PSNI for a copy of the leaflet and details of when door to door enquiries had taken place.

A PSNI spokesperson said: "Police have not conducted a leaflet drop at this stage".

Noah's mobile phone was found in the early days of the investigation, but police had made a specific appeal for help in locating his green backpack.

It contained his Lenovo laptop and was recovered several days later. Police said it was recovered following information from a member of the public. The family were told that it was to be examined by forensic experts but have not been given any details since, nor have they been given any further details about its recovery.

The family also revealed that Noah was travelling to Cave Hill country park to meet friends on the day of his disappearance, to do work towards a Duke of Edinburgh award.

It is thought he may have taken a wrong turn from his home in south Belfast on his way to Cave Hill and ended up in the North Queen Street, Shore Road area instead.

Police were aware of this but did not tell the press or the public this during the search for Noah, leading to online speculation about where he was going on day of his disappearance that caused distress to the family.

Police also have Noah's phone and laptop and the family are keen to have these returned to them, but have not yet been told if the PSNI have examined the GPS on the phone.

The distressed family have instructed solicitor Niall Murphy of KRW Law and Relatives for Justice to help them get answers to a number of unanswered questions.

"I support and reiterate the calls by the Donohoe family for information concerning Noah’s disappearance", Mr Finucane said.

"Fiona and her family have my full support as they seek answers to the many questions which remain.

"Police need to be accurate in the information they provide publicly and privately to the family, and the wider community needs to have confidence that everything that can be done is being done", Mr Finucane added.