Northern Ireland

Tributes after death of Elsie Frizzell, who lost husband and daughter in Shankill bomb

Elsie Frizzell ith son-in-law Alan McBride
Elsie Frizzell ith son-in-law Alan McBride

TRIBUTES have been paid to Elsie Frizzell, who lost both her husband and daughter in the Shankill bomb, following her death aged 89.

Mrs Frizzell, who had been living at Ravenhill Nursing Home, died on Monday.

Her husband Desmond and daughter Sharon McBride died when the IRA bombed the family fish shop on the Shankill Road in October 1993.

Son-in-law Alan McBride,who remained in constant contact with Elsie, grandmother to his daughter Zoe, said: "Elsie was the strongest of all of us.

"An amazing woman in so many ways. In 1993 when the Troubles claimed the lives of her daughter Sharon and husband Desmond, it was Elsie who helped me see that life could be good again.

"She worked with me for a number of years at the YMCA before following me to work at the Wave Trauma Centre. I used to joke that if you employed me you got Elsie for free.

"Elsie was old-school, incredibly independent and doggedly determined to do what she could for other people.

"She found a second home at Wave, where she worked in the front office up until a few years ago when old age and failing health limited her mobility.

"Even in poor health you couldn't keep Elsie away. She made her final trip to Wave in December 2019 at the seniors' Christmas get-together.

"As a family we are grateful she remained in good spirits and though I'd love to speak about her at the funeral, it doesn't look it will be possible given the current restrictions."

Sandra Peake, chief executive of the Wave Trauma Centre, said: "We've lost a dear friend.

"Elsie was a remarkable woman. She was caring and compassionate, took no nonsense and was a real character.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Elsie's children Beth and John and their families and with her son-in-law Alan and his daughter Zoe."