Northern Ireland

PPS urged to direct police to reopen investigation into loyalist murder of Denis Carville (19)

Denis Carville was killed by loyalists in 1990
Denis Carville was killed by loyalists in 1990

SOLICITORS acting for the family of a teenager shot dead by loyalists almost 30 years ago have asked the Public Prosecution Service to review the case and direct the PSNI to carry out a new investigation.

Denis Carville from Lurgan was shot dead by the UVF near the Co Armagh town in October 1990.

The 19-year-old was killed as he sat in a car park with his girlfriend on the shores of Lough Neagh.

The killing took place close to where the IRA had shot dead a UDR member two weeks earlier.

A solicitor for the teenager's family recently wrote to PPS director Stephen Herron asking him to review the case and direct Chief Constable Simon Byrne to reopen it and investigate Portadown loyalist Alan Oliver.

The call came after a recent BBC documentary revealed fresh information about former Mid Ulster loyalists and suspected UVF hitman Oliver.

Oliver has previously been named on court papers as being involved in the murder of three Catholics in Craigavon in 1991.

It later emerged that the RUC did not send an investigation file in respect of Oliver and another loyalist to the Department of Public Prosecutions in relation to the case.

Mr Carville's father, also called Denis, said "it would be nice to get the truth".

"It's never going to go away," he said.

Mr Carville said his murdered son had no interest in politics.

The victim's sister Una Maguire also told how she thinks of her brother "when I get up in the morning and I think about him at night".

She spoke of the devastation the murder caused in her family.

"People think that they shoot someone and that's it, they don't realise what it does to a family," she said.

"There were days I came home from work and my daddy was in a wee ball crying his eyes out and my mammy would say `you are the only one who can get him out of that'."

The murder sent shockwaves across the north because of its clinical brutality.

A knock had come to the window of the car he was sitting in with his girlfriend.

After opening the door a masked man asked him if he was a Catholic and what church he went to.

He was then asked for his driving licence.

He and his girlfriend were then told to turn their heads away and Mr Carville was asked the name of his parish priest.

Gripped by panic, he was unable to remember the priest's name and when asked if he had any medals, he showed the masked man a Celtic cross which hung around his neck

The gunman is reported to have then said "keep your head turned Denis, we are going now" before shooting him.

Solicitor Kevin Winters, of KRW Law, said the murder "reeks of collusion".

"The people involved in pulling the triggers were identifiable and the people involved in pulling triggers need to be held to account," he said.

A spokeswoman for the PPS said: "We have received correspondence from a legal representative in relation to this matter.

"The contents of the correspondence is under consideration."