Northern Ireland

SDLP to request meeting with civil service over backdated holiday pay claims

SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has called for an urgent meeting. Picture by Margaret McLaughlin
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has called for an urgent meeting. Picture by Margaret McLaughlin

THE SDLP said it was to request an urgent meeting with the head of the civil service over backdated holiday pay claims.

It comes after it emerged that more government departments in the north could be hit with claims following the successful legal challenge by PSNI staff earlier this week.

Stormont's Department of Finance told the BBC's Nolan Show it was "in early discussions" with unions in the wake of the case, while the Fire and Rescue Service said it is "actively considering the issue of overtime and holiday pay".

It has been reported that individual payments could total around £40 million.

The move comes after the Court of Appeal ruled that PSNI staff were owed money for a shortfall in pay going back two decades.

SDLP leader Colum Eastwood last night said he was seeking a meeting with the head of the civil service to discuss the court ruling on holiday pay.

He said there could be "significant implications for public sector workers and budgets".

"The Court of Appeal ruling is significant for public sector workers, and indeed those in the private sector, and for future budgets," he said.

"Given the immense scale of claims likely to now come forward and the breadth of public bodies affected, I have requested an urgent meeting with the head of the civil service to discuss what action has been taken in anticipation of such a ruling, current engagement with trade unions and the projected impact on future budgets.

"This matter must be dealt with in a way that meets the needs of public sector workers, respects the ruling of the court and protects budgetary integrity so that public services are not impacted."