Northern Ireland

Private funeral service for Duchess of Abercorn

The Duchess of Abercorn died in London on Monday following an illness
The Duchess of Abercorn died in London on Monday following an illness

A private funeral will be held for the Co Tyrone-based Duchess of Abercorn ahead of a memorial service next spring.

Alexandra Hamilton, known as Sacha, died in London on Monday following an illness. She was aged 72.

Born in Arizona in the US, she lived at Baronscourt in Newtownstewart, Co Tyrone.

She was best known for establishing an all-Ireland creative arts programme for children - the Pushkin Prizes - in honour of her Russian ancestor, novelist and playwright Alexander Puskhin.

Her family said the funeral will be private but a memorial service will be held in spring.

She is survived by her husband James and children Jamie, Sophie and Nicholas.