Northern Ireland

DUP's Peter Weir asks whether Alliance and Sinn Féin councillors will 'produce little SDLP or Green babies'

Former education minister Peter Weir has apologised for the comment, which was made in a social media post. Picture by Bill Smyth
Former education minister Peter Weir has apologised for the comment, which was made in a social media post. Picture by Bill Smyth

A DUP MLA has apologised for a social media post in which he asked whether a Sinn Féin councillor and an Alliance councillor who married last weekend will "produce little SDLP or Green babies".

Former education minister Peter Weir said that he wished to "apologise for any offence caused" by what was intended as "a tongue in cheek facetious comment" about the wedding of Alliance councillor Sian O'Neill and Sinn Féin councillor Kieran Mulholland.

The couple, who have a baby son, got married in a church ceremony last Saturday and their reception was held in the Tullyglass hotel in Ballymena.

Mr Weir was responding to a Facebook post by former DUP councillor John Montgomery, who linked to an article in The Irish News about the marriage with the remark: "Might as well, not much difference between the respective parties."

DUP MLA Peter Weir later apologised for making this remark about the couple's wedding on social media. Picture from Facebook
DUP MLA Peter Weir later apologised for making this remark about the couple's wedding on social media. Picture from Facebook

The DUP MLA commented below that post: "Do you think they will produce little SDLP or Green babies?"

Alliance leader Naomi Long hit out at the DUP MLA, tweeting: "Given this attitude, I'm quite glad Peter Weir is no longer in charge of children's education."

In a later tweet, Mr Weir said: "To Sian and Kieran, apologies if any offence was caused. I meant it as a tongue in cheek comment referencing the four remain parties, but clearly this wasn't the way people have understood it so I apologise for any offence and wish you both all the best for the future."

Ms O'Neill was co-opted onto Belfast City Council in 2015 after previously working as a constituency caseworker for the Alliance leader, while Mr Mulholland was elected to Causeway Coast and Glens in 2014.