Northern Ireland

Police defend `thorough' investigation into east Belfast blast bomb attack following criticism

A forensic officer examines the scene of a blast bomb attack at Clandeboye Gardens in the Short Strand area in east Belfast on July 11. Photo by Alan Lewis/PhotopressBelfast
A forensic officer examines the scene of a blast bomb attack at Clandeboye Gardens in the Short Strand area in east Belfast on July 11. Photo by Alan Lewis/PhotopressBelfast

THE PSNI has defended its investigation into a blast bomb attack in the Short Strand area of east Belfast last month after Sinn Féin criticised a lack of progress.

Detective Inspector Denis McGaffin yesterday said the investigation into the attack at Clandeboye Gardens on July 11 had been "thorough".

A number of young children had been playing in the area just minutes before a viable device was thrown into the street.

The attack took place amid a heavy police presence in the area as contractors moved in to remove a nearby loyalist bonfire following a court order.

DI McGaffin yesterday moved to defend enquiries carried out into the blast bomb attack a day after Sinn Féin councillor Mairead O'Donnell said the party had been informed that there had been no arrests and "absolutely no progress in the investigation".

Ms O’Donnell said: "That this attack happened while police were present is inexcusable in itself.

"The fact that the police have now informed Sinn Féin that there has been absolutely no progress in the investigation and no arrests made is incomprehensible."

Ms O'Donnell said the party would raise the matter at "the highest levels of the PSNI".

However, yesterday, police defended the blast bomb attack investigation.

DI McGaffin said: "Detectives have been carrying out a thorough investigation into this incident, which has involved a detailed forensic examination of evidence and following up on multiple lines of enquiry, leads and other information. As with any investigation, these often complex enquiries can take time.

"While there have not been any arrests so far, I would absolutely and categorically refute any assertion that this attack has not been treated seriously by PSNI".