Northern Ireland

Follically challenged Irish men heading to Turkey for hair transplants post-Rooney

Cosmetic surgery abroad has mostly meant teeth veneers and eye-tucks until now. But a decision by several high-profile men to 'out' themselves about their hair transplants has seen soaring numbers of Irish men fly to Turkey for cut-price procedures. Health Correspondent Seanín Graham talks to two men about their 'life-changing' decisions

Marty Pilkiewicz had a hair transplant operation four years ago. Picture by Mark Marlow
Marty Pilkiewicz had a hair transplant operation four years ago. Picture by Mark Marlow

WHEN Elton John underwent a hair transplant in the 1980s, the results were so poor that Boy George quipped: "All that money and he still looks like a dinner lady."

A generation later, a tweet by footballer Wayne Rooney helped break the stigma when he went public about the reason for his dramatically altered - and improved - appearance.

"Just to confirm... I have had a hair transplant," Rooney posted to his 12.5 million followers in 2011. "I was going bald at 25 - why not?"

While the £34,000 cost of the star striker's procedure may have acted as a barrier to the majority of those less follically blessed, the growth of cut-price procedures abroad as well as other celebrities such as James Nesbitt 'outing' themselves has sparked a boom in interest among Irish men.

Previously, the majority of Irish 'health tourists' went to parts of Eastern Europe for weight-loss surgery such as stomach stapling, while soaring numbers have also travelled for cosmetic dentistry and removal of under-eye bags.

However, it has emerged that Turkey has become the destination of choice for a growing number seeking hair replacement services.

Marty Pilkiewicz pictured prior to his hair transplant
Marty Pilkiewicz pictured prior to his hair transplant

In the past four months alone, at least six men from Belfast have travelled to an Istanbul-based clinic for the weekend procedure.

Costs range between £1,750 to £2,500 depending on the number of "grafts" they receive. Similar 'restorations' can cost up to £8,000 in Ireland.

One Belfast recipient who underwent a transplant in Turkey four years ago said he had no regrets and was considering a 'top-up' as it significantly increased his confidence.

Marty Pilkiewicz (35) began losing his hair in his late twenties and even took part in clinical trials in his home city.

"I had done a lot of research and realised the procedures they were doing in Harley Street in London were the same as those the Turkish surgeons were carrying out," he said.

"I had sent a few head shots to the clinic and booked for early December 2014. The £1,500 cost also covered a two-night stay in a nice hotel.

"The procedure itself took nine hours. I went in on a Saturday morning and they shaved my head and gave me a local anaesthetic. They basically removed healthy hair follicles from the back of my head and then make thousands of slits in the front of my head with a scalpel. They implant the grafts from the back into the front.

"It takes about four or five months for the growth to begin but the improvement was great. Unfortunately the hair isn't as dense as it was in 2015 but it's still a lot better than pre-transplant."

Marty Pilkiewicz immediately after his transplant in December 2014, when hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and implanted into the front.
Marty Pilkiewicz immediately after his transplant in December 2014, when hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and implanted into the front.

Mr Pilkiewicz said he was very open about the transplant and even posted 'anniversary' updates about its success - but understood that for many men this is not the case.

"I am a young gay man in Belfast who told everyone about this through Facebook - it really changed my life."

With other celebrities such as pop star Robbie Williams and X-factor judge Louis Walsh speaking publicly about the impact of their transplants, a Co Down barber has also spoken of his decision to undergo the treatment.

He said he also travelled to Turkey to go under the scalpel four years ago.

Marty Pilkiewicz immediately after his transplant in Turkey in 2014.
Marty Pilkiewicz immediately after his transplant in Turkey in 2014.

"I was really embarrassed initially and wasn't going to tell anyone - but it was something I was always conscious about and it suddenly became affordable," said Lenny White (37) from Millisle.

Mr White, who travels around the north offering 'dementia-friendly' haircuts, said he now talks about it openly.

"I would recommend it to anyone, men should no longer afraid or embarrassed about this."

After: Marty Pilkiewicz pictured six months after his hair transplant in Turkey.
After: Marty Pilkiewicz pictured six months after his hair transplant in Turkey.