Northern Ireland

Kieran Conway: Ex-IRA member 'should be extradited to UK'

Dublin lawyer Kieran Conway
Dublin lawyer Kieran Conway

A DUBLIN-based solicitor who wrote a book about his time in the IRA should be extradited, Ulster Unionist MP Tom Elliott has told the Commons.

Kieran Conway, who said he was a former IRA 'director of intelligence', published Southside Provisional: From Freedom Fighter to the Four Courts in 2014.

An IRA member for more than 20 years, he was interviewed by gardaí in February about the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings.

He has said he played no part in planning the attacks but told the BBC last month that he was involved in several other bombings and took part in fatal gun attacks.

Mr Elliott asked Prime Minister Theresa May in the Commons yesterday if the government would apply for Mr Conway to be extradited.

She replied that any decision on an extradition application "is for the appropriate investigation and prosecution authorities to decide".

"We do, of course, recognise the concerns about those cases where it is still possible to bring people to justice, and obviously we want to see that being done," she said.

Speaking after Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Elliott said there should be no "amnesties for the men and women of violence".