AN anti-fascist group has said it will hold a counter-demonstration during an anti-refugee rally planned in Belfast city centre next month.
Belfast Anti-Fascists was speaking after the Protestant Coalition announced in the wake of the Paris atrocities it would hold an “anti-refugee/terrorist” protest outside the city hall on December 5.
Earlier this year there was an outpouring of sympathy for refugees after the body of two-year-old Aylan Kurdi was washed up on a Turkish beech after the refugee boat he and his family were travelling in capsized.
A spokesman for Belfast Anti-Fascists said the message of its protest is that "we completely disagree with it (the anti-refugee rally) and feel the majority of people in Belfast completely disagree with it".
“This whole stereotyping of Islam and Muslims as terrorists is completely wrong.”
Earlier this year the Protestant Coalition, which is linked to the loyalist flag protests, called off a similar protest in Belfast.
Comments made by the group on social media were also reported to the PSNI by the Pat Finucane Centre.
Meanwhile, a new far-right group has emerged in the north.
'Ulster Awake' has distributed leaflets attacking members of the Muslim faith and multiculturalism.
The group, which has a ‘white power'-style cross in its logo along with a red hand symbol, also attacks unionist politicians who share power with republicans.