Northern Ireland

Cardinal Sean Brady to appear at Abuse Inquiry

Cardinal Sean Brady who is to give evidence to the abuse inquiry on Thursday. 
Cardinal Sean Brady who is to give evidence to the abuse inquiry on Thursday. 

A long running public inquiry into child abuse is expected to hear from a former leader of the Catholic church in Ireland.

Cardinal Sean Brady, who resigned on age grounds last year, is due to give evidence later today at the Historical Abuse Inquiry in Banbridge.

The senior cleric faced fierce criticism after it emerged he had attended meetings where two teenage victims of paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth were sworn to secrecy in 1975.

Their evidence was never handed over to police, allowing the west Belfast churchman to continue abusing children before he was finally jailed in 1994.

Retired judge Sir Anthony Hart is leading the HIA probe, one of the UK's largest inquiries into physical, sexual and emotional harm to children at homes run by the church, state and voluntary organisations.

One week was set aside to deal with the activities of Smyth and to examine whether systemic failings allowed him to get away with his crimes for so long.

The serial child molester frequented Catholic residential homes and groomed children in family settings after befriending their parents.

Instead of reporting him to the civic authorities Smyth was moved between parishes, countries and even continents where he continued to target children. The only sanctions imposed were temporary bans on hearing confessions and celebrating mass.