Northern Ireland

Tributes paid to former Omagh bomb fund chairman

Sean O'Dwyer
Sean O'Dwyer served as chairman of the Omagh bomb fund

Tributes have been paid to the former head of the 1998 Omagh bomb fund, businessman, Sean O’Dwyer who has died in Derry.

Also known as Jack, Mr O’Dwyer passed away at Altnagelvin hospital on Sunday. Originally from Thurles in County Tipperary, Mr O’Dwyer was a former manager with the Desmond and Sons shirt factory company.

In 1998, he was asked to chair a board established to help people hurt in the Omagh bomb. The fund was set up following the Real IRA bombing of Omagh in which 29 people were killed, including a mother who was pregnant with twins.

The Alliance Party paid tribute to Mr O’Dwyer who was a long serving member of the party in Derry. Chairman of the party’s Foyle branch, Philip McKinney said Mr O’Dwyer used his “many talents” for the benefit of all.

“Sean was one of the longest serving members of the Alliance Party in Foyle. He was an active member and a strong supporter of the Alliance Party’s work for a reconciled and united community locally and across Northern Ireland.

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“Many people will know him from his dedicated work with Desmond and Sons that created so many jobs and careers across the west. In his industrial work, he also served as a knowledgeable and effective member of the Industrial Development Board, fostering business and job creation throughout Northern Ireland,” Mr McKinney said.

Mr O’Dwyer’s Requiem Mass will take place on Wednesday at St Columb’s church, Chapel Road in Derry (12pm) with burial afterwards at St Mary’s cemetery, Ardmore.