Northern Ireland

‘My objective is to catch you’ - Secret MI5 message sent to member of hardline republican group Saoradh revealed

Senior member detained during visit to Basque Country

MI5 Headquarters at Palace Barracks in Holywood, County Down.
An apparent spike in MI5 and PSNI intelligence activity in recent weeks has resulted in several people being approached across the north and abroad.

Recent attempts by MI5 and the PSNI to recruit informers has provided a rare glimpse into the techniques used by undercover state agencies.

An apparent spike in MI5 and PSNI intelligence activity in recent weeks has resulted in several people being approached across the north and abroad.

British state agencies regularly attempt to infiltrate both republican and loyalist organisations.

Fresh details of how state bodies operate emerged after hardline republican party Saoradh said there has recently been a “barrage” of approaches.

Saoradh say a man recently approached via text message in Derry was later arrested and held for two hours before being released.

Dissident political group Saoradh said the car was burned by 'republic activists'
Saoradh claims MI5 have approached several members in recent weeks

In a message an intelligence officer wrote “I am your new point of contact in 5″, which believed to be a reference to MI5.

“My objective is to catch you, or for you to walk away - either works for me and one or the other of these is going to happen, it’s just a matter of time - you decide?” the MI5 officer added.

A text message Saoradh claim was recently sent to a republican in Derry
A text message Saoradh claim was recently sent to a republican

Saoradh has also claimed that people linked to the party have been approached overseas, including a senior official who was recently detained twice by Spanish police during a recent visit to the Basque Country.

It is suggested the man was surrounded and led away at Bilbao airport earlier this month on two occasions and questioned by Spanish authorities and what he believes were two MI5 officers.

The party also claims that a south Armagh based member was recently approached at his home by two plain clothed men who identified themselves as PSNI officers who left a phone and told the man to ‘give Miriam a ring’.

A spokeswoman for the PSNI said: “We do not comment on intelligence matters and no inference should be drawn from this.”

In a separate incident, the party said a member was targeted by suspected MI5 officers after being stopped by the PSNI as he attended a DVA test centre at Mallusk, on the outskirts of north Belfast.

A PSNI spokeswoman said: “This would be best directed to MI5.”

It is understood other approaches have also been made in recent days.

Saoradh spokesman Paddy Gallagher said the party “won’t be fazed by such unwanted attention”.