
Domestic abuse survivor to stand in Dáil election

Pauline Tully who survived an attempt on her life is to stand in the next Dáil election.
Pauline Tully who survived an attempt on her life is to stand in the next Dáil election.

A FORMER councillor who survived a horrific murder attempt at the hands of her former IRA husband has announced she is to stand at the next election.

Pauline Tully was stabbed 13 times in front of her two young sons on Christmas Eve 2014 by her estranged husband Pearse McAuley.

This week she announced she will stand for Sinn Féin at the next election following reassurances from party leader Mary Lou McDonald that she could work flexibly around her child care commitments.

She had previously ruled herself out as a candidate due to family commitments but said she'd changed her mind after meeting with the party leader who reassured her she would be fully supported.

Speaking to the Anglo Celt newspaper she said: "I missed the council since I left it. I didn't think it would be possible to be elected to Dáil Éireann and mind two young boys as a single parent but a lot of people urged me to reconsider.

"When Mary Lou approached me she outlined a weekly schedule and what it would be like at the coalface and what she could do to make it possible for me to run", Ms Tully said.

McAuley, who was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the murder of Detective Garda Jerry McCabe, repeatedly stabbed Ms Tully with a steak knife during a savage two-and-a-half-hour attack.

During his trial for attacking his ex wife the court was told that at one stage McAuley brought his children into the room and made them say goodbye to their mother.

Ms Tully told the court the attack had a lasting impact on her two children.

"Children should never have seen such things and they are both receiving counselling," she said.

McAuley was sentenced to eight years in prison for the attack. That was increased to 12 years after the sentence was referred to the Court of Appeal.

Cavan and Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin previously announced he will not run in the next election and Ms Tully, who has over 13 years experience as a local councillor, will now be put forward as the candidate for the seat.