
Patient arrested after attacking ambulance crew in Co Antrim

A patient kicked an ambulance crew member when they arrived at an emergency in Larne on Tuesday
A patient kicked an ambulance crew member when they arrived at an emergency in Larne on Tuesday

A PATIENT has been arrested after attacking an ambulance crew member in Co Antrim.

The crew member was kicked after being confronted when an ambulance arrived to an emergency in Larne on Tuesday evening.

Following that assault, and while in the ambulance en route to hospital, the patient launched verbal and physical assaults on staff and attempted to damage lifesaving equipment.

Police later arrested the patient for assault, attempted criminal damage and disorderly behaviour.

The Ambulance Service said attacks on its crews were continuing at a rate of "more than eight a week".

"These assaults are not something which our crews are able to forget about within minutes. We have evidence to show how the impact can be felt years later and the event relived at any moment in time," said a spokeswoman.

"We are heartened at some of the recent sentences that have been passed and hope that those who find themselves before the court on such charges will face the real prospect of custodial sentences."