
Falls Road picture sparks memories of 1966 parade

This picture showing republicans marching along the Falls Road in 1966
This picture showing republicans marching along the Falls Road in 1966

As republicans across Ireland gather to mark the centenary of the Easter Rising the thoughts of some will return to 1966 when a massive parade was held in west Belfast to mark the 50th anniversary.

Thousands of people gathered on the Falls Road that year to mark half a century since the rising in Dublin.

It was one of several republican parades to travel up the road that year.

This picture was taken during one of the parades from a point beside the Falls Road Library.

However, it is not clear during which of the parades the image was captured.

It shows rows of men marching in file for as far as the eye can see.

McKenna’s Bar, which is not longer there, can be seen in the foreground while in the background the former Ross’s Mill dominates the skyline towards the city centre.

A Mercedes sign in just before the mill signposts the former Agnews car showroom which was one of the first casualties of the Troubles a few short years later.

On the opposite side of the street a bank which sat at the junction of Balaclava Street can also be seen.

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