
Missed MOT tests cost drivers more than £225,000

The number of missed tests is up by 16 per cent on the same period last year
The number of missed tests is up by 16 per cent on the same period last year

Missed MOT tests cost motorists £225,000 in the last three months, new figures show.

The latest statistics revealed that almost 7,200 vehicles failed to attend for a booked test between July to September.

The number of missed tests increased by 1,000 when compared to the equivalent quarter last year.

A full test costs £30.50 for a car, while a retest costs £18.50.

Further analysis of the figures showed a range of failed-to-attend (FTA) rates across the various MOT test centres.

For full tests there was one FTA for every 33 appointments provided in Armagh test centre, whereas for Craigavon or Newtownards the figure feel to one missed in every 45 appointments.

When looking at FTAs for retests across each of the centres, again it was Armagh centre applicants who had the poorest attendance record with one FTA for every 31 retest appointments, whereas the Downpatrick site fared much better with one missed in every 70.

The report also revealed that the Driver and Vehicle Agency conducted more than 263,200 vehicle tests during July, August and September 2015. This was an increase of more than 8,000 compared with the same quarter in 2014.