
AAD claims it carried out series of shootings and bombings

Dan Murray who was shot in the face in his north Belfast home earlier this year.
Dan Murray who was shot in the face in his north Belfast home earlier this year.

A republican paramilitary group has claimed responsibility for a string of gun and bomb attacks across Belfast.

'Action Against Drugs' has warned of more attacks to come and claimed it has access to a haul of weapons including AK-47 assault riffles, an assortment of small arms and explosives.

It also revealed that it is "investigating" the murder of former IRA commander Gerard Jock Davison in March and vowed to "execute" his killers.

In a statement to the Irish News, the group claims it is "non political" and "does not intend targeting the security forces".

However, a spokesman admitted carrying out a series of recent attacks including shooting north Belfast man Dan Murray in March.

The 53-year-old was lucky to escape with his life when a gunman claiming to be from the "republican movement" burst into his home at St James Mews off the Antrim Road and shot him once in the face.

The bullet travelled through his neck and chipped the top of his spinal chord. At the time Mr Murray said he was lucky to be alive. He also strongly denied being a drug dealer.

The group also admitted shooting a 31-year-old man in the chest last month.

It claims that members attempted to gain entry to the house at Areema Drive in Dunmurry to shoot the man and his brother. Gunmen then fired through a kitchen window striking their intended target.

On both occasions the group said it used deadly dum dum bullets.

It also claimed it recently tried to shoot a relative of murdered republican Tommy Crossan in his west Belfast home but the attempt was foiled after family members spotted the gunman and blocked entry to his house.

The paramilitary group claimed it was responsible for the double knee-capping of two men in separate incidents in Belfast last year.

One of the men, aged in his twenties was shot in the Bog Meadows area west Belfast while the other, aged in his 30’s, was targeted in the Woodside Forest area of Poleglass.

They say that a 9mm handgun was used in both attacks.

AAD also says it left four bombs in different parts of the Belfast in February this year. One of the devices exploded under a car in the St James Road area of west Belfast causing significant damage.

The other three devices failed to detonate. The group claims the bombs were on timers set to go off simultaneously.

The group says the devices were part of a co-ordinated attack targeting alleged drug dealers.

Action Against Drugs group came to prominence in 2012 when it admitted shooting alleged drug dealer Danny McKay in a house on the outskirts of north Belfast.

In its statement, it claimed that it used anAK-47 assault riffle and a 9mm handgun in that attack. It has also admitted to shooting Harry Hales and his teenage daughter in north Belfast in April of the same year, which left both seriously injured.

Action Against Drugs has admitted using deadly dum dum bullets in a series of recent gun attacks. Outlawed from international warfare, dum dum bullets spread out an impact causing maximum damage and horrific injuries.

Policing Board member Dolores Kelly condemned the group.

"There is no place for such groups, their language is deeply sinister and deeply troubling," she said.

"I am sorry for people continuing to live under the jackboot of groups who continue to control areas and it’s all the more reason why communities need to support the police in putting these people out of business."