
The internet is fascinated by this garlic which is just one solid clove all the way round

Who would have thought the humble garlic was capable of capturing so much attention?
Who would have thought the humble garlic was capable of capturing so much attention?

It’s every vampire’s worst nightmare, a piece of garlic so monstrous it’s just one solid clove all the way round.

Or does its solidity in fact mean this garlic is cloveless?

Peeled garlic

The garlic in question was found by Reddit user vseznayka, who told the Press Association: “My first reaction was to doubt if it was really garlic. I had to cut it and smell it to make sure.

And while thousands appeared enthralled by the images of this unique seasoning, apparently there’s a very simple explanation.

“There is a type of garlic called monobulb and apparently it’s very common in some places,” said vseznayka.

Peeled garlic

Thousands commented on the bulbous foodstuff, with GalacticCarpenter saying, “You’ve hit the motherclove” while GuyGoma said: “Years working in kitchens, never seen that before… Wow”.

Peeled garlic

There you have it, no need to panic if you pull one of these out of the bag. Unless you’re a vampire, of course.