
These models have written an open letter to the fashion industry tackling health and diversity

These models have written an open letter to the fashion industry tackling health and diversity
These models have written an open letter to the fashion industry tackling health and diversity

The fashion industry is known for its glitz and glamour, but models know better than anyone how toxic it can be in reality. Now, some of them are taking a stand against the dark underbelly of the industry in an open letter.

In #DearNYFW, the models address two key issues plaguing the industry: health and diversity.

Published on the National Eating Disorders Association’s website, the models first cite a new research study published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders which confirms the unhealthy weight practices in the industry.

It says: “Too often, models are being pressured to jeopardize their health and safety as a prerequisite for employment.”

“Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental health concern and survivors often suffer irreversible damage to their health,” they write. In an effort to combat this, the group have teamed up with the Model Alliance and the National Eating Disorders Association.

There aren’t just health concerns on the runway: these models really want the industry to step up in terms of diversity, something which is severely lacking in fashion.“Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to send the message that diversity is what makes us strong,” they write.

The letter asks those in the industry “to be forward-thinking, inclusive, and do the right thing.”Famous faces who have signed it include our favourite body positive activist Iskra Lawrence, along with fellow models Karen Elson and Ashley Chew.

If you do want a bit more body positivity in your life, check out Iskra’s video called “Your fat rolls are beautiful”. You go girl.

If you agree with the sentiments in the open letter, you can sign this petition to help promote health and diversity in the fashion industry.