
Random act of kindness - What to do when your pet rabbit eats the wallpaper?

Aurelia Kelly was less than impressed when the family's pet rabbit snacked on the wallpaper

 Rebecca Kelly's pet rabbit, Max, tucked into the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom
 Rebecca Kelly's pet rabbit, Max, tucked into the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom

Rebecca Kelly's pet bunny Max is normally very well behaved. Normally. But one day recently he got an urge to sample the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom and tucked in.

Aurelia Kelly, Rebecaa's mum, was less than impressed, particularly since the wallpaper was out of stock and she had recently splashed out on a matching window blind.

Mrs Kelly "posted an SOS on a Facebook page" and 24 hours later someone in Blackpool got in touch to say they had some of the wallpaper left over after decorating.

"I asked for the length of a ruler and I got almost a full roll. I offered to pay post and package but it was offered freely." 

And so a roll of wallpaper arrived in the post to their Galgorm home and "bunny is out of the bad books".

"The only payment again was to pass on an act of kindness which I did two-fold when a lady had no change to pay for her car park ticket and also to a little girl who had broken her leg by buying her two books.  

"One act of kindness multiplies even across the sea."  

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 Rebecca Kelly on her 10th birthday with her cake featuring Max the wallpaper munching bunny rabbit