Food & Drink

Niall McKenna's breaded chicken fillet, and peaches, cream and nuts

Niall McKenna's peaches, cream and nuts
Niall McKenna's peaches, cream and nuts

THIS week’s recipes are perfect for when your cupboards are looking a little bare and you didn’t have time to do the groceries. Fridge and cupboard staples are easy to jazz up with a bit of good old imagination – and when you have time, of course...

The first recipe is breaded chicken. This is a brilliant dish to get the kids involved because of its simplicity.

The second – peaches, cream and nuts – is a delicious post-dinner treat. Whether it’s tinned peaches or the fruit bowl peaches that haven’t been eaten, both will be just as tasty.

The recipes this week are brilliant for both mid-week dinners or dinner parties with friends and family.

Why not give them a go at home, or check out our cookery classes at: or follow us on Instagram

Breaded Chicken Fillet


(Serves 4)

4 tbsp butter

2 tbsp garlic, chopped

2 tbsp parsley, destalked and chopped

4 tbsp plain flour,

Salt and ground black pepper

2 eggs, beaten

45g breadcrumbs

4 boneless chicken breast, skin off

1 tbsp olive oil


To begin, combine the butter, garlic and parsley in a small bowl, beating together until well mixed.

Place the mix into the centre of a sheet of clingfilm, using the clingfilm to make a cylindrical, sausage-like shape. Tie the ends and place in the fridge for at least 10 minutes.

Next, take three bowls and place flour in the first (seasoning with salt and pepper), beaten eggs in the second and breadcrumbs in the third.

Take a sharp knife and slice a pocket into the side of the chicken breast, being careful not to puncture the other side. Then, with the chilled butter, take a good-sized slice and place into the pocket of the chicken breast. I recommend using a tooth-pick to close the breast together.

To coat the chicken breast, cover in flour, then egg and lastly, breadcrumbs.

Preheat the oven to 200C and place greaseproof paper onto the bottom of a roasting tray.

Before placing the chicken into the oven, slightly brown the chicken in a frying pan on a medium heat, cooking each side for two-three minutes, until golden. Once golden, transfer to the baking tray and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until tender.

Best served with a nice side salad.

Peaches, Cream and Nuts


(Serves 4)

4 peaches, halved with stone removed

120ml dessert wine

60g caster sugar

40g pistachio nuts, deshelled and crushed

110g clotted cream


Begin by preheating the oven to 170C.

With the peaches halved and stone removed, place the half side up on a roasting tray and drizzle over the sweet wine. Place in the oven for 30 minutes until tender.

Remove the peaches from the oven and leave in the tray to cool. Once cooled, place in the fridge.

To make the caramelised nuts, place a greaseproof sheet onto a shallow baking tray. Then, place the caster sugar into a pot and on a medium heat. The sugar will turn to a liquid and change to a caramel colour. At this stage, add in the crushed pistachios and stir. Pour onto a baking sheet and leave to cool.

When the caramel is hard, chop it up coarsely.

Finally, serve by placing the peaches into a bowl, adding in the clotted cream and top with the nut brittle. Enjoy with a small glass of dessert wine.


Waterman House Cookery School,

Waterman House,

5-23 Hill Street,

Belfast BT1 2LA

Facebook&Instagram: WatermanHouse
